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Events that Highlight Neurosciences

Our academic, fundraising, economic, and investor events are designed to accelerate the development and adoption of diagnostics and therapeutics, from conception to implementation in the general population.

SBMT Events

Events that Highlight Neurosciences.

  • Annual World Congress of  SBMT
  • Neuroscience20
  • Brain Initiatives
    Middle-East (ME+) Brain Initiative
  • Congressional Briefing
  • Brain Mapping Day at Canadian Parliament
  • Brain Mapping Day at Australian Parliament
  • Brain Mapping Day at California State Assembly
  • GFC Awards Gala
  • N20 Global Neuro-Policy Awards
  • Global Physicians and Surgeons
  • Brain Technology and Innovation Park
  • National Center of NanoBioElectronics

This world-class scientific event will bring together leading physicians, scientists, policy makers, funding agencies, and industry representatives to advance the applications of brain and spinal cord mapping and image-guided therapies (operative and non-operative). The meeting will facilitate the integration of nanotechnology, cellular therapy, medical devices, and imaging. The theme of the meeting is “Breaking Boundaries of Science, Technology, Medicine, Art, and Healthcare Policy.”

The Annual World Congress of SBMT​

Your Participation Changes Lives.

The Annual World Congress is supported by the US Government as well as many prominent US and international Universities and institutions. The program will represent state-of-the-art science and technology in the field of neuroscience, engineering, neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology, molecular biology, neurology, radiology and oncology.


Global Healthcare Policy Advocacy

Global Partnership for fast-tracking Brain, Spine & Mental Health Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Med-tech Innovation.


Your Participation Changes Lives.

Neuroscience20 of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics works towards building a global consortium of Brain Initiatives to constitute a united front that aims to tackle diverse devastation Neuropsychiatric disorders worldwide.

Aiming to create a regional consortium on brain, spine and mental health addressing neurological disorders in the Middle East & Balkans under the banner of SBMT called; MIDDLE- EAST (ME)+ Brain Initiative

Middle-East (ME+) Brain Initiative

Objective: To create a regional consortium on brain, spine and mental health addressing neurological disorders in the Middle East & Balkans under the banner of SBMT called; MIDDLE EAST (ME) + Brain Initiative

Topics: Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuroradiology, Psychiatry, Neurotechnology, Neuroengineering, and related policies.

Seeks to promote and develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, as well as educational and preventive strategies to maintain and restore brain function. A concerted, focused, and goal-oriented effort based on interagency and interdisciplinary collaboration can efficiently advance medical technology, drive job creation (e.g., biotech spin-offs), and foster infrastructure development. 

Brain Mapping Day

One of the greatest challenges of the early 21st century is translating and transferring cutting-edge research and advances from the nation’s diverse research laboratories into the clinical setting. The SBMT and the World Brain Mapping Foundation have played a key role in developing and implementing numerous national and global brain initiatives, including President Obama’s Brain Initiative, President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Initiative, IEEE Brain, Neuroscience20 (Brain, Spine, Mental Health), the Middle East (ME+) Brain Initiative, the African Brain Initiative, the Latin America (LATAM) Brain Initiative, and the Asia-Pacific (AP) Brain Initiative. 

  • California State Senate
  • US Congress
  • Australian Parlament
  • Canadian Parlament


The GPS Initiative is a critical component of the SBMT’s mission to improve global brain health. By providing medical humanitarian assistance, the SBMT is helping to ensure that people have access to the medical care they need.

Global Physicians and Scientists

Purpose of the Global Physicians and Surgeons (GPS) Initiative:

The GPS Initiative is an collaboration between diverse foundations, including the World Brain Mapping Foundation, Sunder Foundation; with the goal of providing medical humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, including:

  • Combat casualty care: The GPS Initiative will provide training and support to Ukrainian physicians and neurosurgeons in the field of combat casualty care. This includes training on how to treat injuries sustained in war, such as gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, and blast injuries.
  • Medical supply support: The GPS Initiative will provide medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. This includes supplies such as bandages, antibiotics, and surgical equipment.

The GPS Initiative is a critical component of the SBMT’s mission to improve global brain health. By providing medical humanitarian assistance, the SBMT is helping to ensure that people have access to the medical care they need.