Nevzat Tarhan was born in Merzifon/Turkey in 1952. He finished Kuleli Military High School in 1969 and graduated from Cerrahpaşa Medical School Ístanbul University in 1975. Following his internship at GATA (Gülhane Military Medical Academy) he worked in Cyprus and Bursa garrisons at different military medical institutions. In 1982 he became a specialist psychiatrist at GATA. After his clinical services as a specialist at Erzincan and Çorlu Hospitals, he became an assistant professor(1988), an associate professor (1990) at GATA Haydarpaşa. He was promoted to colonel in 1993 and became a professor in 1996. Between 1996 – 1999 he worked at Yüzüncü Yıl University as faculty member and as an expert at Forensic Institution. He got retired on his own will. He took the representation of “Memory Center of America” in Turkey in 1998.
Professor Tarhan has been the Chairman of the Board of NPÍSTANBUL, the first neuropsychiatry hospital of Turkey and also the founding Director of Üsküdar University. Professor Tarhan has more than a hundred publications 31 of which are international. He has also more then 25 published books. He has many distinguished awards and recognitions including:
- Best Research and Best Researcher award (1991) in International Congress on Destructive Drives and Impulse Control, Netherlands;
- 2003 award for RTGD Best Community Program for television program called “Reasonable Solutions” in STV;
- Award (2005) for Supporting family training and protective community mental health services with Psikoyorum TV program on SKY TURK from Prime Ministry General Directorate of Family and Social Research;
- Golden Apple award (2007) by Amasya Foundation for his contribution to the use of Turkish Music in music therapy;
- GoldenTulip award (2009) on Psychology category by Prof. Mümtaz Turhan Social Vocational School;
- Patient Safety, Best Practice award (2009) by OHSAD and Patient Safety Foundation
- 2009 as well as 2011 Award for organizing the 7th ECNS “EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Congress in Istanbul
Currently, he is the President of Üsküdar University as well as a member of the Board of Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT), which is headquartered in California, the United States America. He was part of the SBMT-International delegates who presented the Honorable US Congresswoman Maxine Waters with 2015 Pioneer in Healthcare Policy Award for her role in pioneering legislations, which culminated to advance diagnostics and therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease patients. Professor Tarhan is the President of SBMT-Turkey Chapter. He is Co-chairman of the second Annual (2015) G20+ World Brain Mapping and Therapeutic Initiative Summit in Turkey. He is chairman of the Turkish-SBMT Brain Mapping Initiative as part of the SBMT-G20+ World Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Initiative (G20+ WBMTI).
Professor Tarhan speaks and write fluent English and has two children. He loves poetry and extremly well disciplined and respected amongst his colleagues in the field.