Ultraviolet technologies, detectors, instruments, and science; low-energy particle detectors; focal plane arrays and their applications; ultraviolet spectrometers and UV cameras, biomedical applications, III-nitride materials, III-N photocathodes, and III-N UV arrays, Curved Focal Plane Arrays, back illumination approaches for novel device applications, advanced epitaxial techniques and applications; band structure/interface engineering using epitaxial techniques; nanostructures fabrication and device applications.
- JPL: JPL Fellow (2020-), Senior Research Scientist (2012-), & Principal Member of Engineering Staff (2006-), Technical Supervisor and Lead, Advanced Detector Arrays, Imaging Systems, & Nanoscience Group (2001-), Senior A Member of Technical Staff (2000), Senior Member of Technical Staff (1998), Technical Group Leader (1996), Member of Technical Staff (1992)
- Caltech, Post-doctoral fellow, 1990-92
- Argonne National Laboratory, Lab Grad Fellow, 1988-90
- Electronics engineer, Kratos Avionics, 1984-85
- Electro-optics engineer, Pacific Infrared, 1982-84